The MWAE GRW-G Large Grant Program supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the implementation of the following projects:
- Establishment of a new business site
- Expansion of the capacity of a business site (expansion)
- Diversification of the production of a business site into new additional products,
- Fundamental change of the overall production process of an existing business site,
- Acquisition of a closed or threatened to be closed business site under market conditions by an independent investor. The acquisition of company shares does not count as initial investment.
Large companies can only be funded under the MWAE GRW-G Large Grant Program if the investment is in a new economic activity according to Article 2 No. 51 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014:
- Establishment of a new business site,
- Acquisition of the assets of a business site which has been closed or would have been closed without this acquisition and which is acquired by an investor who is not related to the seller, provided that the new activity to be carried out with the acquired assets is not the same or similar to the activity carried out in the business site before the acquisition. The acquisition of company shares does not count as initial investment.
- Diversification of the activity of a business site, provided that the new activity is not the same or similar to the activity previously carried out in the business site.
In addition, investments by large companies are eligible for funding that enable the company to go beyond national and EU environmental standards or, in the absence of such standards, to improve environmental protection (environmental aid).
Only projects with eligible expenditure of at least €100,000 will be funded.
Tourism projects are funded in the areas of health tourism in officially recognized spa and resort towns, cycling and water tourism, and projects that contribute to the development of innovative or complementary existing tourist products.
The funding of relocation investments from Berlin to Brandenburg is generally not possible.