Large and medium-sized companies (Product number 240)
Small businesses (Product number 241) - Small businesses (SB) have fewer than 50 employees and an annual turnover or balance sheet total of up to €10 million.
Interest rates and maturities:
Small businesses receive a more favourable interest rate. Your bank will determine your individual interest rate based on your economic circumstances and the quality of your security. For information on maturities and interest rates, please refer to the conditions overview published by KfW. The minimum term is 2 years.
Loan amount and disbursement:
- up to €25 million per project in general
- up to 100% of your investment costs
- 100% of the loan amount will be paid out
- can be drawn down either in one sum or in partial amounts
- you can draw down your loan within 12 months of approval
- commitment fee of 0.15% per month starting 6 months and 2 banking days after approval
- During the grace period, you will only pay interest - afterwards, equal quarterly instalments plus interest on the remaining loan amount.
- You can repay your loan in full or in part ahead of schedule - subject to payment of a prepayment penalty.
- Repayment is made through your bank.
The programme provides for projects that stand out from the international state of the art to benefit from an additional interest subsidy.
Loan amount and disbursement:
- up to €5 million per project, minimum €25,000
- up to 100% of eligible costs
- 100% disbursement after progress of the project
For information on repayment, security, state aid regulations and combinations with other funding instruments, please refer to the link below.